Lisa Burbidge Funeral

Published 14th Jul 2015

Lisa Burbidge, the Gateshead woman killed in the Tunisian terror attack has been laid to rest.

The 66 year old grandmother was one of 30 Britons murdered on a beach in the resort of Sousse on June 26 2015.

Hundreds of mourners have paid their respects at St Mary's Church in Whickham.

Mayor of Gateshead, Alex Geddis, says: "There's sadness and disbelief, we can't believe that this can happen to someone, especially when they're on holiday.

"The community around here are totally shocked, that's why they've turned out in such force, to show their support for the family."

Hundreds of bouquets of flowers have been laid outside the church by people wanting to pay their respects to Lisa.

38 people were killed and many more injured in the attack on the beach outside a hotel in the Tunisian resort of Sousse.

Scotland Yard's Counter Terrorism Command unit launched their largest anti-terrorism investigation since the 7/7 London bombings after the attack, involving 600 officers and staff.