Liquid Instant Tea is a thing and people are losing their minds

Yes, our title is correct!

Published 8th Sep 2016

Yes, our title is correct, Liquid Instant Tea is now a thing whether you like it or not.

This strange idea is the brainchild of Yum Cha an iced tea drinks company based in Leatherhead who have clearly decided to branch out.

However, the reaction to tea in an aerosol can hasn't gone down well with the tea loving Brits who have taken to Twitter in disbelief.

Even everyone's favourite Very British Problems posted it on their Facebook page and within a couple of hours it had been shared nearly 3000 times and 6.2k people had reacted to the post.

Meanwhile on the company's official Facebook page their original post about this new product had only been liked once with one comment from Abigail McCann saying

"You know this will never work in the English market, don't you? Part of the joy of tea is the making of the tea."

She might have a fair point there, part of doing the brew round is escaping from your desk for a few minutes, imagine if all you had to do was squirt this can in everyone's mugs!