Kids as young as EIGHT drinking alcohol in North East homes

Children as young as eight are drinking at home in the North East.

Published 18th Aug 2016

Children as young as eight are drinking alcohol at home in the North East.

That is the shocking claim from a consultant in our region - as figures show HALF of parents here admit to letting children aged 14 and under drink alcohol.

Karen Shields says mums and dads need to be more aware of the influence their household drinking habits are having.

"Parents need to be very aware of the fact that even if it is an alco-pop or something that looks like it is quite a fun drink to have, if it contains alcohol it is dangerous - alcohol is still a drug."

Statistics released today claim 49% of parents with children under the age of 14 let them drink alcohol at home.

Almost one in ten of these parents lets their children drink alcohol in the home at least once a month and more than one in ten with kids aged five to seven allows them to drink alcohol in the home.

Some even let them drink every day.

That is despite guidance from the Chief Medical Officer that they shouldn't do so until they're at least 15 years old and even then rarely and never more than once a week.

The Chief Medical Officer’s report into the consumption of alcohol by children highlights those that drink under 14 have increased health risks, including alcohol-related injuries, involvement in violence and suicidal attempts.

Parents with children under 14 are even using alcohol as a bribe to try and ensure good behaviour.