‘Kids Are Missing Out On Seeing Parents’

It is claimed children in the North East are missing out on seeing one of their parents, because contact centres are closing.

Published 23rd Jan 2015

It is claimed children in the North East are missing out on seeing one of their parents, because contact centres are closing.

The National Association of Child Contact Centres say three in our region have closed in recent years; Durham, Hartlepool and Middlesbrough.

The centres are where separated families can go, so children can have access to the parent they don’t live with.

Hazel Hedley from Impact Family Services is putting it down to legal aid cuts meaning families are not being referred to them by solicitors, which is what used to happen.

Steven Laverick used the centre in Middlesbrough before it closed, he hadn’t seen his children for six months.

He said; “Not only (did it have) a detrimental impact on me, it was a struggle for the children as well.

“It wasn’t an easy time to say the least but the centre kind of opened the children up more, and gave them more confidence. It kept that quality time.”

Hazel is worried the closures will hit Tyne and Wear too; “I will fight tooth and nail to keep services in this area, and I will keep them open as long as possible.

“But, going on what we’ve had to do in other areas over the last three years then you can’t rule it out.”

Find out how you can use these centres here.