Sunderland mother who lost her baby girl through stillbirth says it's important to talk about baby loss

Amy Peel opens up about the impact of losing a baby.

Author: Sophie GreenPublished 9th Oct 2024

A Sunderland mother tells us about the pain and heartbreak of losing her baby Lucie-Mae in 2021, after she was born sleeping.

She says that there is a stigma around baby loss and believes the devastating impact is not spoken about enough.

Amy Peel said: "When we were in labour we had a perfectly normal pregnancy, perfectly normal labour and didn't think anything was going on.

"The only issue I had was the day before when she was a little over active, which I informed the hospital of, but they said that it was fine. Less than 24-hours later she was born, but she was stillborn.

"They came over and said that there's nothing that we can do, and I was like but she should be fine, she was fine last night. It just hits you and I cried for two days solid.

"It will impact everyday until the day I die. I will always think that she should be here. I know that some people have a still birth and put it at the back of their minds and never think about it again, but I'm not like that.

"There's a lot of stigma around it. I feel like a lot of people would be helped from talking about it because as much as you don't know what to say to someone, even just saying I hope you're doing okay and I'm here for you means the world."

Amy is encouraging those affected to have open conversations with someone they trust, or get in touch with the Sunderland charity 4Louis.

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