Hundreds attend vigil for Seaham teenager

Over 400 people gathered at Seaham to remember 17-year-old Megan Bell who died last week.

Published 14th Jul 2016

Hundreds turned out to a vigil on Seaham Seafront last night in memory of Megan Bell.

Blue and white balloons were released last paying tribute to the 17-year-old who died at T in the Park in Scotland last week.

Over 400 people attended the vigil near the marina entrance. Candles were also lit and placed alongside messages from Megan’s family and friends.

An acoustic version of one of Megan’s favourite songs, Titanium by David Guetta and Sia was played out as the sky filled with balloons at around 7.15pm.

Laura Ward, from Seaham, organised the vigil. She said:

“It’s emotional but it is nice to see her friends coming together. They must be speaking of memories with Megan because you can see them smiling, but they’re probably broken into a million pieces inside.

“I think there’s a lot of people who it hasn’t actually hit yet. I don’t think it’s hit home, I don’t think it’s had the full impact yet, I think everybody is still hoping its some sort of nightmare.

“I just want to thank everybody form the bottom of my heart and the family has actually asked me to mention as well how grateful they are for everybody that has come to pay tribute to the beautiful girl.”

Laura is also behind a crowdfunding page that’s rasied more than £1600 which they hope will go towards funeral costs and a bench in Megan’s memory as Nose’s Point.

View it here: