Homeschooling parents in Tyne and Wear praised by Education Secretary
Gateshead MP raises concerns about 'off-rolling' to Damian Hinds
Parents across Tyne and Wear have been commended by Education Secretary Damian Hinds, who says they deserve both “appreciation and support.”
Speaking at the Commons education hearing Hinds paid tribute to parents who “selflessly” educate their children outside the school system. He did continue to warn that parents should not be pushed to take their child out of school.
There has been a significant rise in the number of children who are becoming educated at home in recent years.
However, MPs including Gateshead representative Ian Mearns have asked the Education to review the practice of off-rolling in schools. They believe a rise in the process which sees a pupils removed from a school’s register due to exclusions, is responsible for the increase in home schooling.
Gateshead MP Ian Mearns said:
“It looks to me that the massive growth of children being home educated is a ruse by which schools are avoiding formal exclusions. During that period they’re not being home educated and that means they can find it difficult to integrate back into mainstream schooling. We need to make sure that schools are held accountable, so youngsters aren’t off-rolled until there is an alternative provision for them to go too.”
Marie Marx took her son out of school after he was bullied at school and now educates him herself at home.
“After toying with the idea for a few months, we just took the leap and we pulled him out of school and I have to say it was the best decision ever! We cured a lot of his symptoms overnight and he can educate himself in the subjects that actually interest him.”
A recent survey has shown home schooled children have risen from 37,500 to close to 45,500 in the last 18 months