Homes and Businesses Targeted in Huge Police Drugs Operation

Published 28th Sep 2016

Middlesbrough is the focus of a huge drugs operation today.

The Day of Action, codenamed Operation Linen, sees almost a dozen homes and several business premises raided today as officers target suspected Class A drug dealers.

The operation - one of the biggest the region has seen in recent years with over 150 people working on it - is in response to complaints about drug dealing and associated crime in the neighbourhood.

One fed-up resident had even written to Chief Constable Iain Spittal, begging police to take action.

Supported by the North East Regional Special Operations Unit (NERSOU), the operation also includes input from Middlesbrough Borough Council (Trading Standards and their tobacco dog, Tenancy Enforcement and Street Wardens), and the Environment Agency.

Custody staff will have details of specialist drug treatment organisations for anyone who wants to be referred to them for help and support.

Co-ordinating the operation from a Command Centre at Police HQ, Chief Superintendent John Lyons, said:

“We appreciate there is significant disruption for Newport residents this morning. The target addresses are all within about a half mile radius and we have dozens of people involved so the area is full of activity today!

However tackling crime and the associated harm and ASB linked to drug dealing is an absolute priority for the force so it was vital we took action. The law abiding majority of residents had had enough of crime which was making life a misery for them.

I hope today’s activity reassures residents of all our communities that we will not tolerate those who cause harm by dealing drugs in our communities.

Similarly we will not tolerate organised crime groups who travel to Cleveland to carry out criminality.

The public can play its part by telling us what is going on in their neighbourhoods. We will always take proportionate action on any viable information we are given.

They may not see a response that week or even that month but with the help and support of our partner agencies, we will always do all we can to bring perpetrators before the courts.

Today’s activity means we are taking a number of suspected drug dealers off the streets. We recognise that drug users will see an effect in terms of supply and for that reason anyone with drug misuse issues will be offered referral to specialist organisations.

Reassurance patrols will also stay in the Newport area and residents can approach any offer with information which could help police. We would also encourage the public to use the independent charity Crimestoppers where information can be passed by their website or by phoning 0800 555 111 in confidence."

Police and Crime Commissioner Barry Coppinger added:

“Tackling drugs is also a priority for me as PCC and I fully support today’s activity. I’m grateful too for the support of all our partner organisations. Their input, as well as that of the community, makes this a truly holistic approach to tackling drug dealing, associated crime and ASB.”

Our reporter Hannah Smith is with the police on their raids. Follow on Twitter for the latest.