Girl in Leazes Park sex attack case 'told lies about personal life', a court heard

Published 3rd Oct 2016

Professionals working with a schoolgirl who has accused three men of sexually assaulting her in a Newcastle park found it difficult to know when she was telling the truth, a court has heard.

The 14-year-old and a friend have told a jury they were attacked in Leazes Park on a warm summer evening in May.

The girl said one man kissed her and put his hands down her pants, while another man also sexually assaulted her and a third held her nose and mouth, Newcastle Crown Court heard. This was said to have happened behind a pavilion.

Her friend had been sexually assaulted by one of the men against a tree moments earlier, jurors were told.

Lee Fish, prosecuting, read the court a series of admissions about the girl who alleged she was attacked behind the pavilion telling lies about her personal life. These admissions were based on official reports, the jury was told.

Mr Fish said: Her school also experiences issues with (the girl) lying about different things and that it is often difficult for professionals to know when she is telling the truth.''

The jury heard evidence from another schoolgirl who was in the park that evening.

She said she saw the two 14-year-olds with a group of men, and later saw the teenagers looking upset at a city centre bus stop.

The witness said: We asked what was the matter with them.

(The girl) says that 'both men raped us', or something.''

The witness said the other alleged victim was hugging her crying friend.

Mohammed Alfrouh, 20, of no fixed address, denies three counts of sexual assault.

Omar Badreddin, 18, of Ryal Walk, Kenton Bar, and Mohammed Allakkoud, 18, of Tamworth Road, both Newcastle, deny a single charge of sexual assault.