Firefighters from Northumberland reach Poland with equipment for Ukraine

They are handing over two fire engines to help emergency services

Author: Tom HailePublished 21st Mar 2022

Four firefighters from Northumberland Fire and Rescue will hand over two fire engines to help Ukrainian emergency services today.

The team are part of the larger convoy made up of 22 vehicles carrying over 5000 items of life saving kit to support firefighters in the Ukraine. The convoy left Kent early Saturday morning and drove through France, Belgium and the Netherlands before arriving in Germany where they rested for the evening.

The team then drove through Germany before crossing into Poland where the Polish Fire Service hosted them.

The final leg of their journey is underway where they will head towards Ukraine where the humanitarian convoy of equipment and appliances will be handed over to Ukrainian colleagues.

Councillor Glen Sanderson, Council Leader for Northumberland County Council, said:

Northumberland has shown it is a county that is standing with Ukraine during this heartbreaking time. We have come together to collect and provide much needed items for those fleeing the war in Ukraine, and now we have joined with others across the country to provide essential firefighting and lifesaving kit for those on the front line.

I cannot thank those firefighters from Northumberland Fire and Rescue who have travelled across countries to get this equipment to where it needs to be enough, and that thanks also extends to our residents and businesses who have come together to do all they can in this time of crisis. Thank you.”

Area Manager, Rob Clow said:

"The commitment of the four members of our staff to drive so far to help our Ukranian colleagues is absolutely magnificent. To be part of such a project is something they should be very proud of and something they will be able to reflect back on for many years to come.

"The true testimony to the Service is that over 30 members of staff volunteered to drive the appliances.”

The team will have covered over 1,400 miles.