Fans Unite to show support for Bradley Lowery

Published 8th Dec 2016

Fans of both Newcastle and Sunderland will be supporting a very brave County Durham lad this weekend.

We've told you the story of Bradley Lowery earlier this year, the 5 year old diagnosed with Neuroblastoma.

Sadly his family say his cancer has grown.

"So as most of you know Bradley’s had scans the last few days. To cut a long story short I’m devastated to let use know that his cancer has continued to grow. We have had a meeting with Bradley’s consultant and he has giving us three options but all three options only give us time with Bradley. First option is to take him home and stop all treatment this would only give us 2 month. Bradley’s consultant said if it was him he would do this. Second option is to give Bradley some oral chemo which is weak on the bloods. This is a palliative care option and he doesn’t think it will do anything but he said we could try. Third option is that he is willing to give a antibody and chemo combination that I was looking to go to America for if we can fund the drugs which is obviously not a problem. However he believes if we do that we could lose Bradley through treatment and we will be in hospital for at least two months. He believes regardless of the three options we have they all have the same outcome and that is Bradley will lose his fight. I honestly have no words to how heart broken I am right now. I really don’t know how I’m going to make a decision either to take my baby home and have a couple of months with him or put him through more gruelling treatment that could leave him fighting for his life and to have the same outcome."

At Newcastle and Sunderland games this weekend all fans are being asked to cheer to show their support for the bairn in the 5th minute.
