Family tribute to Heaton man killed by Metro train

Published 8th Dec 2016

A man who died after a collision with a Metro train in Gateshead has been named as 40 year old Peter Stansfield from Heaton. At 7:13pm on Wednesday, December 7, police received a report that a man had been hit by a Metro train on tracks between Heworth and Felling stations. Police and paramedics attended and all Metro services between the two stations were suspended. Enquiries are ongoing into his death.

This afternoon a statement has been released on behalf of the family of Peter Stansfield: "Peter has sadly been very ill for the last 20 years and suffered unfortunate mental health problems. He has been receiving excellent care from the Tranwell Unit in Gateshead and the family would like to express their thanks to all the doctors, nurses and care workers for their help, support and services for Peter. "We would like to offer our sympathy and empathy to the train driver and any others who this tragic event may have effected, and our thanks go to the emergency services who dealt with this difficult situation. "We are a loving caring family and we would ask that people are respectful and considerate towards us at this difficult time. "Mental health affects many families around the UK and people who suffer with mental health issues need to be cared for and offered support. There is help out there for people and we need to all do all we can to make sure that anyone suffering from mental health problems knows how to access it.”