Family had mental health concerns over boy who killed Blyth dinner lady

Police tape
Published 18th Apr 2016

A teenager who stabbed a dinner lady to death in Northumberland might have been stopped if family concerns about his mental health had been listened to, a court has heard.

Susan Mitchelson, 45, from Blyth, was found at her home after being stabbed more than 50 times during the attack.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that the 16-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, suffers from serious mental health issues, including schizophrenia and autism.

Judge Paul Sloan QC said this included a morbid interest in horror, death and killing'' and thedelusional belief that you are a demon''.

However, a statement from the boy's family said they had sought help for two years but it had been to no avail''.

They said: The death maybe could have been prevented if healthcare professionals connected with him had listened to our concerns due to his increasing mental state and aggressive behaviour.''

They claimed that instead he was just given an increased dose of medication for ADHD, a condition they said it is no longer believed he suffers from.

Mark Guiliani, prosecuting, said after the attack in November the boy was seen sitting on a park bench by a member of the public, who described him as looking in shock.

The police were called and after arriving he told them what had happened and said the knives were in a nearby bin.

Mr Guiliani said he had become addicted to the internet'' and would visit the website Creepypasta, which shares horror and paranormal stories and asks users to submit their own.

The court heard medical evidence which said the boy would hear voices in his head and would see people in front of him being decapitated and killed.

As a result Jamie Hill QC, defending, said there would be a full inquiry by social and community mental health services into what had happened.

Sentencing him to a hospital order after he admitted manslaughter with diminished responsibility, Judge Sloan said he was an extremely dangerous individual'' and would remain so for the foreseeable future.

He also said he hoped there would be a careful review'' of his case.