Extra officers in Newcastle to police far-right protest

There'll be rolling road closures.

Published 9th Sep 2017

There'll be two protests in Newcastle this lunchtime, in response to Operation Shelter.

It's the case that's seen a child abuse gang here jailed for 180 years between them.

A far-right group's demonstrating against the problem, and there'll be a counter-protest.

Police say they've got 'extensive plans' to keep the public safe - there'll be rolling road closures:

Percy Street, Blackett Street, Pilgrim Street, Market Street West onto Grainger Street, Bigg Market.

New Bridge Street West, Blackett Street, Newgate Street.

Police will be in the area to minimise disruption to members of the public as much as possible and to offer reassurance to anyone concerned.

The city games will also take place on the quayside along with the Junior Great North Run and Sunderland are playing Sheffield United at the Stadium of Light.

Assistant Chief Constable Darren Best said:

“The Great North Run weekend is always a busy, fun and exciting time to be in area with plenty going on and lots of great attractions for people to get involved in and this year is no different.

“We know people may be concerned by the demonstrations taking place but we would like to say we have been working closely with the organisers who have informed us their intention is for a peaceful demonstration.

“Our utmost priority is ensuring public safety and we have extensive plans in place to ensure disruption to our local communities is kept to an absolute minimum.

“It is not unusual to have a number of policing operations taking place on the same day and this is something we have a vast amount of experience of successfully policing.

“Newcastle, Gateshead and Sunderland are great places and we would encourage people to come along and enjoy the events this weekend and the other great attractions in the area.