EXCLUSIVE - Abuse victims at risk due to lack of refuges in Newcastle

Domestic abuse victims in Newcastle could be trapped in abusive relationships and could even be killed, because the city council aren't providing enough safe refuge beds.

Published 4th Jan 2016

Women and children in Newcastle fleeing domestic abuse could find themselves with nowhere to go, as Metro Radio can exclusively reveal the city has fewer than half the number of refuge spaces for victims it should have.

Sarah, who's name we've changed, escaped her violent partner and says more victims like her will be killed, if more dedicated refuge beds aren't opened in the city.

The government says the city council should provide 28 beds, but it only has 11 dedicated spaces.

Sarah was one of the lucky ones, she left her partner of 23 years and got into a refuge, which she believes could have saved her life.

Elaine Langshaw is from Newcastle Women's Aid, who provide a safe space for victims, and says many of the other beds across the city aren't designed for abuse victims and don't provide the help that's needed.

Many of the spaces available aren't in dedicated domestic violence refuges, but in shared ones. This could see victims and their children sharing sleeping accommodation with the homeless or former criminals.

It's as services are cut across the country as councils scramble to slash their budgets.

The council is supposed to provide 1 for every 10,000 people in the city, but they currently only have 11.

Well we've reached out to Newcastle City Council about the issue and they told us that they're currently working on a new dedicated refuge and support centre in the city which will increase the number of available beds to 14.

Some of the funding came from a government grant, but Councillor Stephen Powers from Newcastle City Council says the £100,000 they were given is just a drop in the ocean when it comes to the council budget.

He says there's only so much they can do in the face of cuts.

Councillor Joyce McCarty, Deputy Leader of Newcastle City Council, said: “In the last year 6,375 incidents of domestic violence or abuse were reported to the police in Newcastle, involving 3,898 victims. These are shocking statics."

Across the country 5,387 refuge spaces are needed, but there are only 3,660 available, a shortfall of 32%.

If you've been affected by any of the issues surrounding this story and need help or want to find out more, you can visit Newcastle Women's Aid.