#EURO2016 Football clubs show drink driving the red card

70 people were killed or seriously injured by drink drivers in the North East last year.

Published 9th Jun 2016

New figures show 42 people have been killed by drink drivers in the North East in just four years.

The research comes as football clubs, Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Sunderland and Hartlepool have backed a campaign by Road Safety GB North East to give drink driving the red card during Euro2016.

It found that between 2011 and 2015, 42 people were killed on the regions road’s due to a suspected drunk driver, 263 were seriously injured and a further 1,424 were slightly injured.

In 2015 alone, 70 people were killed or seriously injured, the highest number for five years.

Road Safety GB North East Chairman, Paul Watson, said:

“We don’t want to put a dampener on the party spirit - we know everyone is going to be getting behind England and getting together with friends and family to watch the games during the coming weeks.

“We simply want people to plan beforehand and arrange a taxi or lift home. Don’t take the car. And just as important is the morning after. You could still be well over the limit for your drive to work. Remember, you don’t have to be drunk to be a dangerous drink driver.”

Sam Allardyce, Manager of Sunderland Association Football Club, said:

“It’s not a good idea to mix alcohol and driving. If people are having a few drinks while watching the games, they should leave the car at home, and think about whether they are still over the limit the following day. Let’s enjoy the tournament and be safe.”

A Newcastle United spokesman said:

“Any campaign that educates drivers about safe road-use, which in turn lowers the numbers of casualties and fatalities across the region, is one we’re right behind. It’s reckless, dangerous and against the law - leave your car at home, and that includes the morning after as well.”

Middlesbrough FC captain Grant Leadbitter said:

“Alcohol and driving just don’t mix. And don’t forget that you may still be over the limit the next morning if alcohol is in your system. Let’s keep our roads safe in the North-East this summer.”

Craig Hignett, Manager of Hartlepool United Football Club, said:

“Everyone wants a good night out and to enjoy the football during the tournament, but please be sensible. Go and have a good time with your friends, but take a taxi home. Don’t ruin your life or possibly someone else’s by making a stupid mistake.”

The campaign is being launched as new figures show that June is one of the worst months of the year for recording serious and fatal drink drive accidents, and that almost half of accidents involving alcohol occur on Saturdays and Sundays.