18 convictions after Operation Sanctuary investigation

Eighteen people have been convicted following a huge investigation into the sexual exploitation of vulnerable women and girls in Newcastle.

Published 9th Aug 2017
Last updated 16th Jan 2018

Eighteen people have been convicted following a huge investigation into the sexual exploitation of vulnerable women and girls in Newcastle.

14 of them were involved in sex offences.

This afternoon saw the final 2 verdicts returned by the jury – concluding Operation Shelter – Northumbria Police’s investigation into grooming and sexual exploitation.

Shelter is one of several operations by Northumbria Police under the umbrella of Operation Sanctuary – a complex investigation launched three years ago into modern day slavery, trafficking and sexual exploitation force-wide.

Northumbria Police Chief Constable Steve Ashman said in a statement: To date we have arrested 461 people, spoken to 703 potential complainants and have found 278 victims. In total we now have 93 convictions delivering more than 300 years of imprisonment in addition to today's convictions.''

He added: I must start by praising the absolute bravery, dignity and composure of the victims throughout this incredibly gruelling process. Many of us will never understand the traumatic experience some of these women and girls have endured and they have my wholehearted commitment that, together with our partners, we will continue to provide them with all the support they need. They have trusted us and we must not let them down.

We have thrown the kitchen sink at this - a team of 50 officers have worked on this inquiry for almost three and a half years and continue to do so. We have not and will not stop. We have employed every technique available to us, covert and overt, in tackling the problem

There has been no political correctness here. These are criminals and there has been no hesitation in arresting them and targeting them using all the means at our disposal. It is for individual communities to ask themselves whether they are doing all they can to eradicate such attitudes and behaviour so that the stigma and shame attached to such people prevents it from rearing its head again.

The communities that we work with are appalled at this offending and we have encountered nothing other than the fullest of support from them all.''

Those convicted under Shelter will be sentenced in early September.

Operation Sanctuary was launched in 2014 just weeks after a woman and a girl – not known to each other - reported similar accounts of abuse taking place in the West End of Newcastle.

The police and the council brought together a team of social workers, police officers and specialists in the Sexual Exploitation Hub set up in April 2015. It provides a dedicated multi-agency approach to support victims and investigate allegations.

Cllr Nick Forbes said they had been “brave beyond belief” after 22 women and girls had given evidence in four trials at Newcastle Crown Court as part Operation Shelter.

Cllr Forbes said: “These were vile crimes committed by evil men against vulnerable women and girls as young as 14.

“The victims who went to court had to relive their ordeals in giving evidence and face their perpetrators. Some have suffered the trauma of having do it more than once.

“I can’t begin to imagine how difficult that must be, but I would like to pay tribute to each and every one of them. They have been brave beyond belief and undoubtedly have made our safer city.”

Simultaneously, the council is disrupting sexual exploitation through a range of other functions:

• Taxi licensing – 25 drivers’ licences have been suspended or revoked

• All drivers must undergo safeguarding training around vulnerable passengers with 1,200 trained so far

• Joint screening of licensing applications with the police

• Door staff trained to recognise vulnerability

• Inspectors of Houses of Multiple Occupation are trained to spot signs of exploitation

• And 3,700 licensed vehicles have been stopped and checked

Chief Executive of Newcastle City Council, Pat Ritchie, said: “My heart goes out to all victims of sexual exploitation. No one should underestimate the ordeal that these women and girls have gone through.

“We do not believe that what we have uncovered in Newcastle is unique. Sadly, there is evidence of sexual exploitation in just about every other town and city in the country and anyone who says they do not have it are not looking for it.

“In Newcastle we have left no stone unturned. All agencies will continue to work together to disrupt this and help those whose lives it wrecks.

“Tackling this problem is everyone’s responsibility and let me assure anyone who is a victim that they can come forward and speak in confidence to a member of our Sexual Exploitation Hub who will make sure they get access to the high quality support services that they need.”

Anyone who is a victim of sexual exploitation, or who knows someone who is, can contact 01661 869 124.

Parents or carers who wish to talk to someone about a child who may be being sexually exploited can ring Parents Against Child Sexual Exploitation PACE on 01132405226.

One of the defendants told his wife he was going night fishing before he picked up a drunk 15-year-old on the street and raped her, it can now be reported.

Saiful Islam, 35, of Strathmore Crescent, Newcastle, spotted his victim outside a supermarket in the West End of Newcastle on his way home from work in 2011 and returned after making an excuse to his wife.

He then bought the victim Malibu, took her to premises where he and friends knew they could abuse girls and coerced her into having sex.

At a hearing in January 2016 which can only be reported now, Judge Penny Moreland sentenced him to 10 years, saying: She was young, she was scared and she was a girl limited in her ability and understanding.

You hurt her while you were raping her.''

Another defendant was jailed for witness intimidation and assault after telling a young girl he had seen in the street that everybody wanted her six feet under''.

Yasser Hussain, 28, of Canning Street, Newcastle, was jailed for two years in October 2015 for the attack and for allowing his premises to be used in the supply of drugs after a jury heard how he hosted parties.

A housing officer had received complaints about loud music at night, drugs and people coming and going at Hussain's house.

Mohammed Hassan Ali, 34, of Bentinck Street, Newcastle, met his 15-year-old victim at a party and started a relationship after she claimed to be 18 but he continued to have sex with her after finding out her real age.

Judge Moreland, sentencing in December 2015, told him: She feels you took advantage of her and used her because of her youth and your age.

You have damaged her ability to trust and to form relationships as a result of the way you behaved.''

He was jailed for seven years after he admitted supplying cannabis and was convicted of possession with intent to supply M-Kat and two counts of sexual activity with a child.

Redwan Siddique, 32, of West Road, Newcastle, was jailed in February for supplying M-Kat to a 19-year-old in return for sex at his student digs in 2013.

The woman, who cannot be named, said: We wanted more M-Kat so we went to Redwan's.

I had sex with him in order to get more M-Kat from him.

I had sex with him first then he gave me the M-Kat.''

Judge Moreland jailed him for 16 months, saying: I am satisfied on that evidence that she had sex with you in order to get drugs from you.''

Other defendants have yet to be sentenced