David Wilson murder - one year anniversary

Published 11th Dec 2015

David Wilson murder, one year on.

Police today are reappealing for information as they mark the one year anniversary since the death of a Sunderland man.

David Wilson, who was 49, of Southwick Road, Sunderland was found dead at his home on Sunday, December 14.

Police continue to appeal for information to help piece together his final movements and find the person or people responsible for his death.

Detectives released a call made to police in the early hours of Sunday, December 14, where a man says he is lost and is next to the Halfway House pub, near to Southwick Road.

The man made the call to police at 4.41am on Sunday, December 14, saying he was lost and needed to know how to get back to Gateshead from Sunderland. He said his lift had been unable to collect him as had been arranged.

Police are keen to speak to the man on the phone as he has been in the area at the time and may have information to help police with enquiries. Officers would also urge the person who was expected to pick the caller up from the Southwick area to contact police.

You can hear the call here:

Detective Inspector Mark Ord said:

"This has obviously been such a difficult year for David's family and I want to commend them for their support and patience during this investigation.

"It is a very complex investigation with many parts of the puzzle we are trying to piece together. We need the help of the public to come forward with any information, no matter how small or insignificant they may think, as it may just be the final key detail we need to solve this murder.”

David's family have released the following statement:

"As the first anniversary of David’s death approaches, we would like to thank everyone involved with the investigation up to now.

"These last twelve months have been very difficult to deal with.

"David has missed so much, including what should have been his 50th birthday, instead of celebrating the day we marked the date by laying flowers in his memory.

"As a family we do not feel that we are able to grieve properly as every day we have to carry on with life knowing that someone who is responsible for such a savage and brutal murder is still to be identified.

"David was a very kind individual who did not deserve to have his life taken as he did.

"He was a dad, grandad, son, brother, uncle and friend and he deserves justice.

"We beg anyone with information to please get in touch no matter how small you may think it is.

"Please help our family find closure."

Anyone who recognises the man in the CCTV, the man on the 999 call or anyone with any other information, is asked to contact police on 101 or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.