Criminal Mastermind Turns Back On Crime

Published 21st Jul 2015

To many in Newcastle the name Sayers automatically instils a sense of fear.

The family have ruled the criminal underbelly on Tyneside for the last 30 years.

John Henry, Michael and Stephen Sayers have spent 50 years combined in some of the highest security prisons up and down the UK.

But now, 49 year old Stephen is turning his back on crime and wants to help young offenders realise they're on a path to destruction unless they change their ways.

A new book and DVD due out this year have offered him the chance to have his say on what it was really like being a Sayers and being one of the most feared and respected criminal families in the UK.

He spoke at lengths to our reporter Micky Welch

Click the link to find out more about Stephen's new book "The Sayers - Tried and Tested at the Highest Level"

Stephen has also confirmed he'll be donation a portion of the books profits to charities here in the North East.

You can also pre-order a DVD to acompany the book from here