Council backs surface mine plans near Druridge Bay

Published 5th Jul 2016

Controversial plans for a surface mine on the Northumberland coast have been given the go-ahead by councillors.

The application was ‘minded to be approved’ by the council’s strategic planning committee - meaning the decision will now be passed to the Secretary of State for his consideration.

The proposals, from Banks Mining, would see the creation of a surface mine - west of Druridge Bay's beach and dunes at Highthorn - to extract coal, sandstone and fireclay, and includes plans for restoring the site once work is complete.

Extraction would take place over five years with total operations lasting seven years, taking account of the time to set up the site and complete restoration.

The company believes the scheme would create at least 100 full-time jobs during the working of the site, with approximately 50 new jobs and around 50 staff transferred from their other sites.

Council leader Grant Davey said while he appreciated it was a controversial issue, the mine would bring much needed jobs to the area and boost economic growth in the county.

Councillor Davey said: “I fully accept this has been a long and difficult process, with strong feelings on both sides, but I do believe this decision is in the best interests of Northumberland and its residents.

“It is interesting to note a number of the objections have come from as far afield as Madagascar and Bangladesh, while more than 1,000 local people indicated they wished to support the application.

“It’s also important to stress that the CBI and the North East Chamber of Commerce have written in support of the application.

“They have highlighted the positive impact these plans will have on the north east economy and the importance of investing in meeting the country’s energy needs as part of building a more prosperous and competitive UK economy.”

Banks Mining estimates that during the lifetime of Highthorn approximately £48m would be spent on local suppliers, with a further contribution of £1.5m through business rates.

Cllr Davey added: “Thanks to the hard work of our planning team the extraction site has been greatly reduced from its original conception to protect the diversity of the surrounding countryside.

“I’m also reassured that Banks, through much experience, have restored their previous sites in the county to a standard much higher than before they began extraction, improving wildlife habitats and the soil quality for agriculture.

“They are also experts at rolling restoration so that land is not out of use for any great length of time.”