What Can A New Government Do For The North East?

This time next week we could be finding out who our new Prime Minister is.

Published 1st May 2015

This time next week we could be finding out who our new Prime Minister is.

Voters go to the polls on Thursday with the votes being counted overnight.

But what are you hoping to see from the next government.

The North East Chamber of Commerce is looking for a better deal for businesses and people in the region.

Jonathon Walker is from the group, he said: “I think it’s important to celebrate the successes of the North East businesses, not to talk down the North East or see it as a problem to be solved.

“And to carry on some of the conversations we’ve started to have about things like devolution and greater control over things like transport spending.”

The NECC have come up with 10 commandments for the general election.

Read them here or search the hastag #NECC10C on twitter.