Calls For More Support For Grieving North East Families

Published 9th Jul 2015

A Newcastle mum who lost her toddler 4 months ago says more needs to be done to help grief-stricken families.

Sarah Hall from Lemington told Metro Radio her 2 year old daughter Esmay died in March.

She says there needs to be more support for parents in the same position as her..

"If they offered more support then people could manage better, I didn't know what was going on I was screaming all the time I was screaming at doctors.** Doctors see it all the time but for us its our life"

Sarah's story comes as Sue Ryder, the national Hospice and neurological care charity claim more than a third of people in Newcastle suffer in silence.

The research also shows it takes those from the North East 2 years, 7 months and 14 days to feel better following a bereavement; which is longer than the national average of two years one month and four days.

Sarah looked to the Rainbow Trust for help and has now set up her own facebook page in her daughter's name which raises money for the charity.

You can find out more about Sarah and the charity below