Byker Grove Meets Breaking Bad...

Published 10th Mar 2015

It's like Breaking Bad meets Byker Grove and I want to bring it back home... That's what the man behind a play on the Dark Web tells Metro Radio.

But what is this Dark Web?

Well imagine this..

Dipping your big toe into the sea, that bit of water that's surrounding your toe, that's the normal web, you know, the google, eBay, Facebook, your online shopping, banking, all the stuff you do on a regular basis.

Now, the rest of the water in the sea plus all the oceans around the world, well, that's the Dark Web.

So in reality when we access our "normal web" we're barely breaking the surface of what's out there.

How do you get onto the Dark Web?

Well that's another story for another day, but watch this space Micky Welch is working on a series of specials around it.

You'll have heard more and more about the Dark Web over the last few years - including an illegal market place called Silk Road. It was the eBay for all things illegal, from drugs to guns and all inbetween before being shut down by law enforcement agencies including the FBI.

! Well Alex Oates has based Silk Road the Play in Whitley Bay - it's won rave reviews at the Edinburgh Festival and he's hoping to bring it home.

It's abouta struggling young Geordie tech-head who, along with his Nan, finds himself into an Underworld Wide Web of new-age pirates, local gangsters and tea-cosies.

Alex tols us it's the fist play in the WORLD that's been funded partly with Bitcoin (that's the currency of choice used by most people on the Dark Web) but they're always looking for new backers - and that may in fact help secure bringing the play back "home".

You can find out more about Alex and the play on