Bring John Home – the fight to get a Sunderland man out of a Middlesbrough hospital

The family of a Sunderland dad are campaigning to get him out of a Teesside hospital.

Lindsay family
Published 9th Feb 2017

The family of a Sunderland dad are campaigning to get him out of a Teesside hospital.

Dad of 2, John Lindsay has been in Middlesbrough's James Cook hospital for six months after breaking his neck in a fall.

After making the daily 50-mile round trip to Middlesbrough for the past six months, including Christmas Day spent in hospital, his family and friends have launched an appeal to help bring him home.

John's wife Claire tells us what it would mean to the family to have him home;

Everything,** absolutely. We’ve had a horrendous time of it for the last ten years actually, but the last 7 months have been so, so hard.

“I can’t be without him any longer, I need to have him home, I just need my family unit back together.”

The fall in August was a double blow to the family who had already feared for John’s life ten years ago when an undiagnosed virus caused a bleed on his brain.

Unfortunately, the family’s home isn’t suitable for John’s needs, so without moving into a specially adapted bungalow, Claire explains there’s no way for the family to stay together;

“We can’t get him in through the front door even, we have steps up to the front door.

“John’s in a wheelchair now, with being paralyzed from the waist down, so that’s a problem in itself.

“The floorspace isn’t enough for what he needs, so the space we have; we’re not going to be able to live in it.”

John’s family have set up a Justgiving page and have said how grateful they are for the help they’ve received so far.