No Bregrets for Sunderland voters

We’ve been speaking to people in Sunderland one week on from the historic vote to leave the European Union.

Published 30th Jun 2016

There’s no regrets in Sunderland exactly one week on from the EU referendum results, according to people on Chester Road.

Last week, 61% of voters in Sunderland chose to leave the EU. It was a massive win by a margin of more than 30,000 votes.

But one week on the political world has found itself in chaos and there’s been some accusations of backtracking from the Leave campaign, we decided to find out if they still felt the same way…

Marie Welch said:

“The day after I was a little bit apprehensive as to what I’d voted, but once I’d thought about it properly I have no regrets whatsoever now. It will get tough but we’ll get through it.”

Stefan is from George McKeith's Sandwich Shop. He said:

“In a few more weeks’ things will calm down and we can start spending the money round here, hopefully!”

Karen works in the McCoy’s Bakers. She said:

“Sunderland and the North East have always been in a recession so to us it makes no difference.

“It’s about farmers and our fishermen. I worked in a fishmonger’s years ago and the trade is gone. I worked in manufacturing and I was made redundant three times from manufacturing. These are the things that need to come back into Britain.”

Dennis McDonald, Leave Campaigner, said:

“I don’t think anybody could have predicted the sizemic change in the political landscape over the last week.

“What we have to do now is respect the wishes of the British people and negotiate our exit from the EU with mutual respect for our European partners.”