Boy, 8, hit by car thanks Great North Air Ambulance for helping save his life

Cyclist thanks Great North Air Ambulance crew who saved him and his mother

Published 3rd Oct 2016

The family of an eight-year-old boy who was left fighting for his life after being hit by a car in North Shields has thanked the ambulance crew which came to his rescue.

James Bainbridge was crossing the road on his scooter on Marden Estate when he was struck on August 21.

His dad Doug said: “I rang him to tell him that his tea was ready and a lady answered. She told me that he had been in an accident.

“I ran out of the door and cut through an alley. I could see a lot of people gathered.

“James was lying there with his eyes rolled back and a stream of blood running from his head. There was a pool a metre long. He had wheel marks on his clothes.”

James had suffered a fractured skull, collapsed lung and a lacerated liver.

The Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAAS) flew to the scene and landed on a grassed area near Hartington Road.

The on-board doctor and paramedic team put him into a medically-induced coma.

Doug said: “The medics were so professional and calm and knew exactly what to do. I felt that he was in the best hands.”

James was flown to the Newcastle RVI within six minutes where he arrived in a critical condition. His parents, Mr Bainbridge and Sue Cook, were given a police escort to the hospital.

He spent three days in intensive care and a further seven days in hospital.

Doug said: “There were so many people that came out to help. An off-duty nurse and an off-duty fireman rushed to his aid and the air ambulance seemed to arrive within minutes.

“It’s such a tight-knit estate and we’ve been overwhelmed by kindness and generosity since the accident. It’s shown us that when your chips are down, people will be there for you.”

The family met GNAAS paramedic Mark Cotgrave and pilot Jay Steward at Durham Tees Valley Airport on September 21.

James handed over £1,250 which was raised from family and friends in appreciation of the help he received from GNAAS. Future fundraisers are already planned at his school, Monkhouse Primary, and Whitley Bay Cubs.

Doug said: “It has been great to have been given the opportunity to thank them in person for everything they have done. It is such a fantastic operation. It could have been a different outcome. We are just so grateful.

“It has touched everybody in the local community and so many people have got involved, from giving donations to businesses donating prizes to our upcoming raffle.”

Mark said: “It was absolutely brilliant to see the family and of course James looking so well. This is my favourite part of our job. An incident involving a sick child is never easy, but when they come back to see us, bright as a button, I’m able to go home knowing I’ve made a difference.”