Become the ‘ultimate man’ in 2015!

Apparently Jay Z epitomises our version of the ultimate man!

Published 11th Dec 2014

Become the ‘ultimate man’ in 2015! An estimated 2 million of us in the North East will be making new years resolutions soon, promising ourselves that we will become fitter, happier and more productive next year. Women will be hitting the gym determined to channel the ultimate woman Beyonce whilst men will be working on becoming as cool and super rich as the ultimate man Jay-Z.

The again, is Jay-Z what we consider to be the ultimate man? Supercasino conducted some research into this topic and asked everyday guys about what characteristics make up the ultimate man! Here’s what they found… 59% of men believe you should be well groomed in the workplace. 75% of fathers say being a dad is their most important job, 73% of dads said, “a real man knows how to express emotional support to his children.” 72% of men in the UK believe that the ultimate ‘man drink’ is whiskey They then asked them about what moments they believe transformed them from boy-to-man. First beard growth? First girlfriend? What about driving your first car? It seems the transformation from boy to the ultimate man can be signaled by almost anything! We compiled their answers into an infographic that you can take a look at below… !Super Casino InfographicAn infographic brought to you by SuperCasino