More arrests in Grange Villa murder

The total number of arrests is now up to 6.

Published 20th Dec 2016

Detectives investigating the murder of Grange Villa man Mark Shaw have made two more arrests in connection with the case.

Late last night and early this morning they arrested a 22-year-old man from Stanley on suspicion of murder, and an 18-year-old woman from Grange Villa on suspicion of assisting an offender.

The man remains in custody and will be questioned later today, the woman has been released on police bail until the end of February.

This brings the total number of arrests to six, one of whom, a 25-year-old man has been released no further action.

One man, aged 18 remains in custody on suspicion of murder while the other two – a man aged 19 and a woman aged 19 – have been released on police bail until the end of February pending further enquiries.

Det Supt Adrian Green said;

“The search teams will be at work in the Grange Villa area throughout today and indeed for much of the week. We are carrying out extensive work to recover forensic and other evidence as part of this investigation.

“Unless there is a significant development, I do not expect to make further arrests in connection with this case.

“As you can expect Mark’s family are distraught by what has happened. We are keeping them up to date with every key stage of our investigation and we have two very experienced detectives working as family liaison officers.”

Mark’s body was found in one of the bedrooms of his house in Pine Street, Grange Villa on Saturday evening. He died from a stab wound but had also been subjected to a severe and prolonged assault, which detectives believe probably started late on the Friday night or early Saturday morning.

Anyone with information is urged to ring police on 101 or Crimestoppers, 0800 555111