Amazing Outpouring of Support for Gateshead Man

More than £20,000 raised in less than 48hrs

Published 30th Jan 2015

Well-wishers have donated more than £30,000 for a 4ft 6in, frail and visually impaired pensioner who was mugged outside his house in Gateshead.

Alan Barnes, 67, was left too afraid to return to his home in Low Fell, after the attack.

Mr Barnes, who has lived with disabilities from birth after his mother contracted German measles when she was pregnant, broke his collarbone when he was shoved over.

His attacker demanded money and checked through his victim's pockets, but ran off when Mr Barnes called for help.

Following reports of the attack, which police described as disgraceful'', beautician Katie Cutler was moved to set up the Help Alan Barnes online donation page on the Go Fund Me site.

She wrote:

"I was so upset that anyone could target a disabled pensioner and be so cruel. We can't take away what has happened but with a little donation we can make the future a prettier one and help towards the cost of his new home. Thank you all."

The aim was to raise £500 but that was quickly passed and the total by Friday afternoon (5:45pm) had reached over £33,000 and shows no signs of stopping.

You can see the fund *here *- we recommend reading through the lovely comments also.