Over 50 Caught In Crackdown On Drink-Drug Drivers

Hundreds of drivers across Cleveland and Durham have been targeted who may be under the influence of either drink or drugs.

Published 1st Jun 2015

Less than three months after the introduction of new roadside tests for illegal drug use, officers working for the Cleveland and Durham Specialist Operations Unit have arrested 53 people.

Of the drivers arrested 51 were male, two female and all but three were aged between 18 and 37.

It was back in March that the DrugWipe kit was put into use.

It’s a mouth swab that can see if someone's taken things like cannabis and cocaine, as well as controlled drugs.

Inspector Wendy Tinkler of the CDSOU told us “While the effects of alcohol on your ability to drive are well-known, the figures suggest there is potentially a big problem with the number of drivers who are getting behind the wheel under the influence of another substance, or substances."

As part of a crackdown on the roads, Police stopped 667 people who were all breaking the limit.

Punishments include speed awareness courses, fines and in more serious cases possible prosecution.