260 Jobs to go at Newcastle City Council

£40M needs to be cut by the end of next year.

Published 17th Dec 2014

Hundreds of staff at Newcastle City Council will face an uncertain Christmas as their jobs are left hanging in the balance.

It's just been announced that 260 posts will be cut over the next year - but it is unknown at the moment where these job cuts will appear.

This comes on top of the 1,000 jobs that were cut between 2010-13.

The council today revealed how it plans to cut £40M from its spending next year in order to set a balanced budget.

The leader of the council, Councillor Forbes said;

"We have looked at every line of expenditure for savings in a bid to protect services for those who need them most"

A number of measures are being considered to save money including less funding for school crossing patrols, withdrawal of the Quaylink bus service and charging disabled blue badge holders for parking in Council owned car parks.

The council is also proposing a rise in council tax of up to two per cent.

This would be the first rise in four years but would see a 34p a week increase on band A properties.

For more information on the cuts click HERE

Words - Sinead Lambe @Sineadmoya