Over 2000 hours of North East delays caused by train track trespass

There were over 60 reports of trespass on North East tracks last summer, double the rate of winter months.

Published 26th Jul 2016

Parents are being urged to speak to their children as alarming new figures reveal youngsters are twice as likely to trespass on the tracks over summer, compared with winter.

In 2015, there were over 60 reports of trespass across the North East during the summer, causing 2086 minutes of delays of passengers.

Last summer Newcastle Station saw 493 hours of delays, while the Darlington to Middlesbrough line saw 1593.

Figures from the British Transport Police show the number of trespass reports DOUBLE in August compared with December.

Longer evenings and the start of the summer holidays are credited for the rise.

Vicki Beadle, Community Safety Manager from Network Rail, explains: “We are urging parents to remind their children that if they are on the railway, they are on dangerous ground. It may seem like a good idea to take a shortcut, or like fun to play on the tracks, but this is not only illegal, it is also dangerous.

“Britain has the safest railway in Europe but still too many people lose their lives on the tracks.

"As the railway gets busier and we electrify more lines to improve services, we must work harder to keep young people safe by making them aware of the dangers that exist.

"Taking a short cut or messing around on the tracks can result in serious life-changing injuries or death.”

Inspector Brian Buddo who is responsible for BTP’s response to trespass in the North East said: “The last thing our officers want to do is knock on someone’s door to tell a parent their child has been killed or seriously injured as a result of trespassing.

“We’re doing all we can to keep children safe by patrolling areas where we know they’re likely to trespass and prevent them from doing so. However, we cover thousands of miles of track and we cannot tackle this issue alone.

“That is why we are urging parents and young peopleto heed this warning and take a reality check when it comes to trespass. It’s not a game: they are real tracks, with real trains and real life consequences.”

To find out how to keep your children safe on the railway this summer click HERE.