120 residents evacuated after Wallsend fire

Blaze at tyre yard broke out overnight - residents now allowed home

Vehicles damaged after fire at tyre yard
Author: Greg DeanPublished 5th Jan 2020

People who were evacuated from their homes in Wallsend when a major fire broke out overnight - are being allowed back into their properties.

Residents spent part of the night in a local pub - after being told to leave their homes in the early hours following the blaze at a tyre yard.

Northumbria Police have praised their colleagues in the fire service - saying they've carried out some incredible work to get this fire under control.

It's thought a number of gas cylinders - at the tyre yard - caught fire and exploded.

Residents were evacuated as a precaution - thankfully no-one has been injured.

There appears to be some significant damage at the scene - with several vehicles inside the yard burnt out.

Police and fire investigators will now try to establish how the fire started.

Locals are being asked to keep their doors and windows closed.

Meanwhile - the Wallsend Metro station has now re-opened to passengers.