10 misconceptions about being an only child

If only they knew.

Published 9th Sep 2016

Being an only child isn't as bad as a lot of people with siblings seem to think it is.

Here are some of the misconceptions that only child face every day!

1. That we were spoilt. It was people with siblings who used to get extra treats so they weren't jealous of brothers/sisters.

2. That we can't share. We can we just don't always want to!

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3. That we got double the presents. Unfortunately not.

4. That it was lonely. Nope we were just fine thanks.

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5. That we were mummy/daddy's boy/girl. We are the favourite by default not choice.

6. That we didn't have hand me downs. We did, they were just from our parents or cousins.

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7. That it's easy. Our parents placed all their faith in one child so the pressure was on!

8. That we had imaginary friends. While you were with your siblings we were off making REAL friends.

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9. We're a goody-two-shoes. We rebelled like everyone else, but had nobody to blame it on!

10. That we are socially awkward. We hate it when you tell people you're an only child and they say "Hmm, yeah that makes sense".