"It's a lot more scary now": A week on from restrictions easing in Norfolk

The difficulties that vulnerable people are facing without Government restrictions.

Author: Collette HowePublished 26th Jul 2021

It’s been a week since restrictions were eased in England, and for some in Norfolk they feel more locked down than ever before.

For many the 19th of July represented a sense of freedom after a year of rules and guidelines.

But for those in the vulnerable category, it represented the beginning of another challenge thrown their way.

With most people no longer wearing masks or socially distancing and mixing more, people like Polly Crosby from Norfolk, are having to create their own rules for their safety.

Polly has Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic condition which affects more than 10,600 people in the UK.

“Although it feels more secure than last summer, where we didn’t really know as much and we didn’t have a vaccination, this summer I feel as if I’m the one that really has to put the emphasis on isolating.”

YouGov data released earlier this month shows that over two thirds (68%) of UK adults are not aware that people who have certain health conditions, or who take specific medication, are not as protected by both doses of Covid-19 vaccine as effectively as the general public.

"It's a lot more scary now than it was over a week a go.

"Then, everyone generally had some kind of face covering... now that's not the case anymore, there's so much more potential for me to get ill."

“I don’t get scared easily, the people generally with conditions like this are quite hard-core, we just get on with it.

"But when you face the idea of dying, and then something suddenly comes along and says ‘Hey, let’s up the stakes a bit more’ ”

Cystic Fibrosis Trust joined forces with other health charities to call on the Government to do more for those who are immunocompromised or immunosuppressed.

Advice from the Government for the vulnerable to shield was paused on April 1st and there are currently no plans to advise people to shield again.

“I’m quite sad that the Government's made so many decisions to suddenly change everything.

"I absolutely understand people want to get back to normal, and I know that people who were shielding are minority… but there is still a huge amount of us is the fact that we now have to depend only on ourselves to keep ourselves safe.“

“It’s just really sad that we now have to depend only on ourselves to keep safe. It’s not just my life for the next few months, it’s my family‘s life that will be very different…because we’re all having to look out for me which I feel really sad about.

"I have a teenage son and he now has to consider my health when he goes out and about.”

Cystic Fibrosis Trust is also part of the #SafeAtWork coalition, alongside over 20 health charities including Kidney Care UK, MS Society and Leukaemia Care. The coalition came about after thousands of people living with health conditions voice concerns that their needs will be forgotten as the general population return to something more like normal life.

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