Norfolk hospital reintroduces visiting restrictions

The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital has reintroduced a ban on visitors to inpatients to try and slow the spread of coronavirus.

Author: Abi SimpsonPublished 10th Nov 2020

There are exceptions to the rule though:

  • Carers will still be permitted
  • Patients receiving end-of-life care or where there is significant deterioration
  • Patients with a mental health issue such as dementia, a learning disability or autism
  • Parents with babies in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  • Parents or appropriate adults visiting their child
  • Birth parners for women in labour and on ante and post-natal wards
  • Partners of people giving birth will continue to be able to attend dating scans (11 weeks); anomaly scans (20 weeks); Rainbow scans and Fetal Medicine Unit scans

The hospital say virtual visiting remains in place and patients can keep in touch with loved ones or friends via their own personal digital device with video-chatting apps on phones and tablets.

A virtual visiting service is also available at the hospital, which allows you to contact the ward to arrange a time to Skype your loved one via a Trust iPad.

Alternatively, friends and family can send a message via the website which will then be passed on to them, the hospital radio station is also offering to take requests.

Professor Nancy Fontaine, NNUH Chief Nurse and Director of Infection Prevention and Control, said: "We have not taken this decision lightly as we know the impact it has on patients and their families, and we'd encourage people to use our 'virtual visiting' service where we can arrange video calls between them and their loved one in hospital.

"With Covid-19 cases rising in the community and admissions increasing, we must all do everything we can to reduce transmission and keep our staff, patients and families as safe as possible.

"You can help us too by following national guidance by wearing a face covering in enclosed public spaces, social distancing, and regular hand washing."

Patients attending the Emergency Department and outpatient appointments are asked to attend alone if possible.