Six people arrested in Ipswich on suspicion of stealing over 80 dogs have been bailed

They were detained as part of a large police operation in West Meadows

Author: Helen DownPublished 22nd Mar 2021

Work is underway to identify the owners of over 80 dogs found near Ipswich on Saturday March 20.

83 dogs of different ages and breeds were discovered as part of a police operation at West Meadows.

Six people arrested on suspicion of stealing them have since been released on bail while the investigation continues.

Work got underway on Sunday to identify the owners of the dogs.

Suffolk Police is working with other police forces, as they suspect many of the dogs have been stolen from outside of the county.

They are asking any anxious owners trying to find out if their dog is among those discovered to bear with them.

Anyone with information regarding dog thefts is urged to contact South CID at Landmark House in Ipswich quoting reference: 13719/21