Rehab seal pups take a muddy slide back to freedom

They were cared for by the RSPCA in East Winch

Author: Sharon PlummerPublished 27th Oct 2020

Seven seal pups took a mudslide back to freedom, following months of rehabilitation at the RSPCA East Winch Wildlife Centre.

The seals were released from a site in the Sutton Bridge area on Monday, where they would then make their way out into the Wash.

The seals had all needed months of care, and when they were rescued at the start of the common seal pupping season they were emaciated, dehydrated and orphaned.

Alison Charles, centre manager at East Winch, said:

"It was a great day for a release, if a bit muddy. We released Chilli Bean, Pinto, Butter Bean, Mung Bean, Beanz, Sweetpea and Chickpea.

"No matter how many times we release a seal we never get tired of watching them make their break for freedom. It's a wonderful sight to see and always puts a big smile on our faces.

"This release was a fun one as they really did slide down the mud at a bit of a speed before splashing in the water and then heading off."

The centre is still caring for around 40 common seal pups and more are expected with the grey pupping season due to start next month.

The RSPCA warns that it’s important that the public never approach seals and keep any dogs well away and on a lead, as these are wild animals and can have a nasty bite.

It’s not unusual for seal pups to be left alone for short periods of time so if you spot a youngster who looks fit and healthy, it is best to monitor them from a safe distance for 24 hours to ensure a parent returns. An unhealthy seal pup looks thin (but not bony) and has a visible neck, like a dog. If the mother doesn’t return within 24 hours or you think the pup is sick or injured, please call the RSPCA’s emergency line on 0300 1234 999. Please never try and return the seal to the water yourself.