Suffolk brewery reacts to Covid-19 Winter Plan

The extension of pub curfews will allow pubs to be more profitable according to Adnams.

Author: Arlen JamesPublished 24th Nov 2020
Last updated 24th Nov 2020

It's one part of the Prime Minister's announcement yesterday, 23rd November, which has been most-welcome to the brewery that has sites across the region, as well as supplying pubs nationally.

Unlike before the current lockdown, hospitality businesses will be able to take final orders at 10pm and close at 11pm, providing they are located in Tier 1 and 2 areas.

As part of the Government's Covid-19 Winter Plan, the end of lockdown will see the country return to a three-tiered system stricter than the previous, which Adnams thinks could be a concern for of its properties.

It's expected we will find out what tiers areas will be placed into this Thursday, 26th November.

Nick Attfield, Director of Properties at Adnams, said: "We're really now waiting for Thursday to find out what Tier level we are all operating in. Tier 1 will be a welcome relief to those in our industry,

"For those of us that are pushed into Tier 2, there will be a big worry for our wet-led pubs and the single-household rule as we get ready for early Christmas festivities in the run up to the big day itself.

"And Tier 3 is fairly straight forward, really, in that we will essentially remain under our own lockdown. So, we're looking forward to Thursday to find out where we'll be."

There should also be more information on the plan to allow families to see each other over the Christmas period on Thursday, which the Prime Minister stated he was keen to allow.

On the Government website, it reads: "Christmas will be different this year, but we will make sure people can see their loved ones. We are agreeing a common approach with the Devolved Administrations of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales for a time-limited change to social restrictions over the Christmas period so that families can be reunited across the UK."

The Government says it will allow some increased social contact for everyone, along with guidance on how to "celebrate safely".