Norwich Cathedral to remain open during lockdown

It'll be open for public and private worship

Author: Sharon PlummerPublished 7th Jan 2021
Last updated 7th Jan 2021

Norwich Cathedral clergy continue to hold the country, county and city in their prayers and the Cathedral will remain open for public worship and individual prayer during the third national lockdown.

The Dean of Norwich, the Very Revd Jane Hedges, said:

"As the Prime Minister said as he announced another lockdown, the weeks ahead are going to be very challenging ones. We all need to look out for each other at this time and to heed the message to stay at home as much as possible.

"We are pleased though that places of worship are permitted to remain open for private prayer and for public worship and the Cathedral will continue to hold our daily round of services. These will be conducted in a Covid-secure way and our 10.30am Sunday Eucharist will be live streamed so that people who are shielding can still participate but from the safety of their own homes.

"In addition to service times, the Cathedral will be open each day for people to come in to sit quietly, light a candle, to pray or to talk to someone if you need to.

"If you have special requests for prayer you can send these in to and, if you have recently lost a loved one, they can be remembered at our weekly Requiem and a candle lit for them.

"We will be holding our nation, our county and our city in our prayers through this next stage of the pandemic in hope that in the months ahead things will begin to improve for everyone."

Norwich Cathedral service schedule from Thursday 7 January:


7.30am Morning Prayer

8.00am Eucharist

10.30am Eucharist (with music)

3.30pm Evening Prayer

Monday to Friday

8.30am Morning Prayer

9.00am Eucharist

5.30pm Evening Prayer


12.30pm Requiem in addition to other services listed above


8.30am Morning Prayer

9.00am Eucharist

3.30pm Evening Prayer

Opening times for individual prayer

Sunday 1pm-2.30pm

Monday to Saturday 10am-2pm

Digital worship

The 10.30am Sunday Eucharist will be live-streamed on the Norwich Cathedral Services YouTube Channel.

Please be aware that the information above may be revised if Government guidelines change with regard to the Coronavirus pandemic.