Students from UEA head home from today

There'll be a staggered end to their lectures

Students from the UEA will be heading home for Christmas from today
Author: Beth PriddingPublished 3rd Dec 2020

Students across the country are permitted to travel home during a 'travel window' between 3rd and 9th December, providing they do not have coronavirus or are contacted by the NHS test and trace system.

To support their safe travel home, the Government has provided antigen tests that do not require laboratory processing and can provide results within an hour.

According to the Government website those who do not return home by 9th December are advised to undertake a further "period of restricted contact" to limit the chance of infection.

The University of East Anglia will have all lectures available online from 9th December, with some already taking place virtually from today.

Vice chancellor, Neil Ward, said:

"We've been asked by the government to stagger the ending of our face-to-face teaching on campus so students can gradually go home if they wish.

"Not all the students go home during the winter break. I remember a few years back, we had 400 students use the UEA library on Christmas Day!

"We're expecting around 500 people expecting to stay on campus, and we've got extra support available for them, as well as all our facilities still being open."