Don't break lockdown is plea from Norfolk Police

Please stay home

Author: Sharon PlummerPublished 16th Jan 2021

Norfolk Police are repeating the 'stay at home' call, urging people to support the collective lockdown effort.

It comes after 13 fines were issued on Thursday (14 January) for breaches of the regulations.

The fines included a father and son who had travelled from London to stay at their second home on the North Norfolk coast, a woman who invited a friend round to her house for drinks and a man who picked his girlfriend up from a friend's house to take her back to her home.

Other fines included a man in Great Yarmouth for not wearing a face covering in a shop, a man on the Market Place in the town who was seen to repeatedly stop and speak with different people, a man who had travelled from Wymondham to Norwich city centre for no reasonable excuse and a three people from different households involved in a crash during a non-essential journey.

It comes as officers continue with dedicated patrols in the city and town centres as well as beauty spots, to make sure people are adhering to the guidelines. Last weekend, officers issued 31 fines and 96 warnings for breaches.

T/Assistant Chief Constable Julie Wvendth said:

"While the majority of people in Norfolk are playing their part in this collective effort to stop the spread of coronavirus, there's still a minority who choose to ignore the rules.

"Our patrols will continue into the weekend and we will take action against people who pay little regarding to the regulations which are in place to protect us all.

"Incidents will always be assessed on their merit and officers will of course use their discretion and take account of individual circumstances but blatant disregard for the regulations will result in enforcement."