Norfolk dad wants others to ditch the cigs this Stoptober

Stuart is taking part

Author: Beth PriddingPublished 8th Oct 2020

A lorry driver from Norfolk is urging people to ditch the cigs this Stoptober.

Stuart is taking the plunge this October so that he can stay healthy for his family.

He wanted to stop when he saw it affect his health.

The dad said:

“I have asthma and type 2 diabetes and I know I need to lose weight and exercise more. I decided to quit smoking because I want to be around for my partner, to see my kids grow up and be fit enough to play with them and enjoy family life.”

Stuart had support from Smokefree Norfolk. A counsellor explained how smoking can damage health and talked him through the range of tools available to help him quit. He’s about to start a four-week course of prescription medication which helps to reduce cravings and to put him off smoking. “I’m determined to quit for good this time - the willpower is there. I’ve also just been given a brand-new lorry – it doesn’t smell of smoke and I’m going to make sure it stays that way!”