Norfolk charity says all must play a role in calling out domestic abuse
Office for National Statistics data shows that 1 in 25 women and 1 in 50 men- were abused by a spouse in the past year
A domestic abuse charity in Norfolk says it's vital that we all continue to play out part in calling out and spotting violence against partners
It's after data from the Office for National Statistics shows that 1 in 25 women and 1 in 50 men- were abused by a spouse in the past year.
With today being White Ribbon Day- which looks to end male violence against women and girls.
"We all have a collective responsibility"
Rhys Lloyd is from Leeway:
"It's about continuing to raise awareness. It's all about getting the message out there to young people, as promoting what healthy relationships are all about is a really important step. As it provides that grounding to people
"It's important that we don't just say that it's the victims fault and say it's on them to change what they do. We all have a collective responsibility to call out a friend when they use unacceptable language".
"Perhaps it's a case of asking people, are you okay? How are things at home? It's about taking that time out to ask others and ask that they're okay.
"It's all well and good raising awareness on days like this. But this abuse doesn't just stop then. So it's vital we have this moment in the spotlight- and build on this further"