Mobile stroke unit trial begins in Norfolk

The six week trial aims to save lives and reduce serious disability caused by strokes.

Author: Arlen JamesPublished 16th Oct 2020

The trial is part of a collaboration between the East of England Ambulance Service (EEAST) and Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH).

Immediate care is vital to reduce the impact a stroke has on a victim and the project aims to ensure people get the right treatment fast.

The mobile stroke unit is a modified ambulance with specially trained crews consisting of a consultant and paramedic with a video link to a radiology consultant at the NNUH.

Patients will be able to receive a CT scan inside the vehicle before receiving clot-busting thrombolysis treatment if needed.

Dan Phillips, EEAST Area Clinical Lead, said: "The ambulance is great in reducing the time it takes to diagnose and treat a patient who is having a stroke and it could have a big benefit for people living in rural areas. It is bringing hospital-level care to the patient’s home."

It's hoped there will be a permanent mobile specialist treatment unit in the region and for other parts of the health system in the future.

Consultant Stoke Physician at NNUH, Dr Annie Chakrabarti, added: "We are delighted to be involved in this exciting initiative. If we can intervene and administer clot-busting drugs within 60 minutes of the stroke happening, this could make a really significant difference to the outcome for these patients.

"Patients who require admission to hospital for further treatment will also be admitted directly to the stroke unit, reducing the need to attend the Emergency Department."

The trial will cover the Greater Norwich area and follows pilots in Southend and Ipswich.