Improvements to mental health and substance misuse services

Norfolk and Suffolk's NHS Foundation Trust is hoping the creation of a new role will help bring together mental health and substance misuse services in the county.

Author: Abi SimpsonPublished 27th Oct 2020

NSFt has appointed a specialist Dual Diagnosis Lead to try and make a positive difference to patients with both mental health and substance misuse conditions.

Leah Spry, who has a wealth of experience in both areas, has been asked to take on the role for two years to further improve care for people in Norfolk and Suffolk with more than one complex need or diagnosis.

She'll be working closely with the both the Trust and substance misuse provider Change Grow Live to improve access to treatment.

She said: "My role will focus on developing an integrated model which will see NSFT and Change Grow, Live work closely together to fill the gaps which can exist between services.

“Our aim is to make it easier for mental health staff to refer people for substance misuse support and vice versa so that we can improve the access which people have to these vital services.

“In addition, we are keen to recruit dual diagnosis champions at both NSFT and Change Grow Live who will be given additional training. This means NSFT staff will be able to support and advise people in withdrawal, as well as using brief intervention strategies, such as harm minimisation and reduction plans to help people who are using substances to begin changing their behaviour.

“Our Change Grow Live colleagues will be provided with basic mental health support tools, such as distress tolerance and emotional regulation, which will help them carry out preparatory work with clients who are receiving treatment for substance misuse but awaiting a mental health service.

“I feel that this is a really exciting time to be working in this area and look forward to liaising closely with colleagues at both NSFT and Change Grow Live to make a positive difference to this vulnerable group of people."

Vicki Markiewicz, Executive Director at Change Grow Live, added: “The appointment of a Dual Diagnosis Lead will ensure individuals with complex mental health and substance misuse needs can receive specialist support.

“We know that substance misuse and mental health are very closely connected, and this partnership between Change Grow Live and Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust is an important step towards breaking down the barriers between these two service areas in the east of England.”