80 workers test positive for COVID-19 at Norfolk food factory

80 employees at a factory in South Norfolk have contracted COVID-19, forcing it to partially shut.

Published 29th Aug 2020
Last updated 29th Aug 2020

The outbreak means 376 staff at Banham Poultry in Attleborough have now been tested for coronavirus.

After advice from Public Health England and Norfolk Public Health, the factory's cutting area has temporarily closed.

All staff who work in the affected area are being asked to isolate with their households.

Meanwhile the trade union, Unite, is calling on staff affected by the outbreak to receive an "adequate sick pay", compared to the statutory minimum.

We've contacted Banham Poultry for comment.

Speaking previously, Dr Louise Smith, Norfolk's Director of Public Health, said: "This has significant implications for the health of the workforce and significant implications for Banham Poultry as a business.

"Banham Poultry have been working hard to ensure the health and safety of their staff. We are now working with colleagues across the county, regionally and nationally to take specialist advice, including learning from other similar outbreaks in other parts of the UK.

"This will assist us to quickly make decisions on what the next steps will be to prevent further transmission of the virus".

Breckland Council insists "there is no evidence of increased risk to the general public", adding that "the risk of infection from food products is very low".

Local residents are now being reminded of the basic measures to protect themselves from COVID-19 by the authority.

It is encouraging people to continue washing their hands regularly, practise social distancing and get tested if experiencing any symptoms.

Tests can be booked online or by calling 119.