East Suffolk prepares for Covid-safe local elections

East Suffolk Council is preparing to help voters stay safe from Covid-19 next year

Author: Arlen JamesPublished 9th Dec 2020

According to East Suffolk Council, polling stations will have the same guidelines in place next year as what we currently see in shops.

Residents will take to the polls on 6th May 2021 to choose who represents them at Suffolk County Council, as well as the county's Police and Crime Commissioner.

Like previous years people will be able to vote in person, by appointing someone they trust to vote on their behalf, or by post.

As part of safety measures surrounding coronavirus, the authority is encouraging people to consider the latter method.

Stephen Baker, Electoral Registration Officer for East Suffolk Council, said: "The elections next year are very important and an opportunity for residents to have a say on who represents them on issues that directly affect day-to-day life in East Suffolk.

"Regardless of how you choose to cast your vote in May, you will be able to do so safely. We are already preparing for this in line with the current guidelines, which means that you can expect many of the same measures you’ve become used to in the shops over recent months, such as hand sanitiser, floor markings and face coverings. However, should the guidelines change prior to the elections, we are prepared to take the necessary steps to meet these.

"There is also an option to vote by post or by proxy and we are currently contacting some members in our communities to highlight the option to vote by post. Any electors who are not registered as postal voters can also apply now if they would like to vote in this way."

Residents must be registered to vote to take part in next year's local elections, which you can do via the Government's website.