Second panel of Bayeux-inspired tapestry completed after 445 hours of work!

Vivienne Tuddenham worked through lockdown

Author: Adam GoacherPublished 20th Nov 2020

A volunteer from Norwich has been putting in the hours during lockdown, as part of a project to create a Bayeux-inspired tapestry!

Vivienne Tuddenham, a volunteer with Norwich Castle's Norwich Friends Tapestry project, has completed the second panel having worked through lockdown for an incredible 445 hours.

Vivienne Tuddenham, a volunteer with Norwich Castle’s Norwich Friends Tapestry project, has completed the second panel after working through lockdown and clocking up an amazing 445 hours!

Dr Agata Gomolka, Project Assistant Curator, says: “It’s been amazing to watch the resilient progress of our Tapestry embroiderers during the difficult time of the lockdown. Enabled by their passion and stamina (and by occasional postal deliveries of wool thread), they kept the work going. I am happy to hear that embroidery has given many of them a chance to escape and relax, and to retain a much-needed sense of structure. Many thanks to all of them for their important contribution to the project. Keep calm and embroider on should be our motto!”

The Norwich Friends Tapestry picks up the tale where the Bayeux Tapestry ends, looking at events in the decade following William I’s conquest of England.