Walkden Assault Video

Published 24th Jul 2015

Police have released CCTV footage of a brutal assault in Walkden in an attempt to identify the offenders. The attack took place at 3.27 AM on Saturday 11th July, when the 32-year-old victim was chased down Sportside Avenue, by two men. After catching up with him the men knocked the victim to the ground before repeatedly punching, kicking and stamping on him as he lay defenceless on the pavement. They beat him until he lost consciousness and then ran off up the street. The first offender is described as white, between 20-25 years old, around 5ft 9in, medium build, with short, shaven brown hair. He was clean shaven and spoke with a broad Salford accent. The second offender is described as white, medium to stocky build, around 5ft 10in and between 25-30 years old, with dark, shaven hair. Detective Constable Zoe Nightingale said: "This was a particularly brutal assault by two men against a victim who didnâżżt really stand a chance. "They chased him down and pelted him with blows, an attack which did not stop when the victim hit the floor. "Despite him being obviously injured, the men continued to kick and stamp on his prone body and it is perhaps lucky we are not dealing with a much more serious crime as a result of this vicious attack. "If you recognised either of these men, please do not hesitate to contact police as soon as possible."